We had a big weekend of festivities! On Saturday Bob joined us as we went to a Fall Carnival at Our Savior Lutheran. We had heard that a contractor was bringing his excavators to the church, securely parking them, and letting kids run them. How cool is that!?! Levi only ended up watching the diggers, but we still enjoyed it.
We went inside to participate in some games. I wanted a picture of the three of us in this cute little fall scene. Just prior to this shot, Levi actually threw himself on the ground, crying, because he didn't want to sit on the hay. I think the crowds were a bit too much for him, although my own stubbornness probably wasn't helping.
We tried to get Levi to pose for a picture with Grandpa, but it ended up just being a solo.
Then on Sunday morning, we stayed after church to participate in Reformation Day, an annual celebration where we learn about great reformers of the church. This year was all about C.H. Spurgeon. There were several booths with activities and crafts and candy prizes for the kids. Most of the activities were a bit too advanced for Levi, but he loved "fighting the dragon." He could have swung that foam sword for hours!
Then Sunday afternoon, just after the boys' naps, we rushed down to my parents' church for the end of their fall festival. Levi felt much more comfortable this time. His favorite activity was cookie decorating--and, of course, eating--but my favorite was this pumpkin decorating station. It was great to just peel off the stickers and let Levi place them wherever he wanted. It was quick and clean, and even toddlers could be successful.