At our routine doctor's visit yesterday, Micah measured 27 inches tall (about 65th percentile), 17 pounds 3 ounces (about 45th percentile), and a head circumference of 42.5 centimeters (about 20th percentile). He seems like he is getting bigger every day. Last night he was playing in his exersaucer, and I looked over and one of his knees was touching the bottom. Guess it's time to raise the apparatus a notch!
We just love our happy little boy!
First time sitting in the grass--and the first time I felt I could walk away from him when he was sitting up. He lasted several minutes and never tipped over. |
First time in an outdoor "pool." Unfortunately, this tub we were given doesn't really hold water. Oh well! The boys had fun anyway! |
"You're going to feed me WHAT?" |
"Rice cereal! I've been waiting for months to eat some solid food! Gimme that spoon!" |
So beautiful! Can't wait to see him again soon...